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Your style, your pace. Customized lessons designed for you
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Gain skills, have fun, and build a better you
And Much, Much More
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No matter where you live, chances are we can introduce you to an amazing teacher in your neighborhood. You can take lessons in the privacy of your own home or at your teacher's location.
Online Lessons
Is your dream teacher on the other side of the country? No problem. Now, you can meet your teacher online on your smartphone or using a webcam on your computer. The world is your classroom!
How It Works
Here's why 2 million people a month use TakeLessons
Find your perfect teacher in under 3 minutes. Need help finding the right teacher? Call our friendly student counselors at 877-231-8505877-231-8505.
Your instructor will motivate, support, and inspire you. Meet up with your teacher in person or connect with them online anywhere around the world!
Each lesson is customized to help you grow. Learn faster and easier than ever with personal attention from an expert instructor.
Educating the World
Lifelong learning subjects offered
Amazing, inspiring, supportive teachers
People that use our platform each month
Lessons given around the world
Become a Teacher
If you qualify, come join us and earn a great living doing what you love.
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